Pupil |
I will: |
treat others as I would like to be treated |
try to do my best |
tell the truth |
listen carefully |
respect property |
do my homework regularly and bring it back to school |
Name :_________________________________________ |
Parents/Carers |
To help my child at school, I will: |
make sure that my child arrives in school on time and is collected on time |
make sure that my child attends school regularly and inform the school of |
the reason for any absence |
support the school in maintaining good behaviour |
support my child with learning at home and listen to my child read |
attend parents’ evenings |
ensure that my child wears school uniform |
let you know if there are any problems that may affect my child's ability to learn e.g. they need glasses, have medical needs or are unhappy |
Signed :_________________________Parent/Carer |
School |
The school will do its best to: |
keep everyone safe |
be open, welcoming and listen |
offer a curriculum which meets the needs of all children |
expect the best from children at all times |
inform parents and carers regularly about their children’s progress |
ensure the safety, happiness and well-being of each child |
set, mark and monitor home tasks as appropriate for the age and development of each child |
contact parents and carers if there is a problem e.g. learning, behaviour, attendance or punctuality |
Signed : Mrs J Bayliss ( Head Teacher ) |