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Year 6 Kingfishers

Welcome to Kingfishers

Class Teacher - Miss Griffiths

LSP - Mrs Mall



Our Learning

Summer Term


 In maths this term, we are learning about statistics and geometry (shape and position and direction).  We will also be focusing our learning on applying mathematical skills to a range of real-life problems.  These range from planning and organising a holiday, to calculating the cost of a range of expenditures linked to owning and running a small business. In maths this term, we are focusing our learning on applying mathematical skills to a range of real-life problems.  These range from planning and organising a holiday, to calculating the cost of a range of expenditures linked to owning and running a small business. 


Our focus for writing this term is linked to our topic, the Rainforest.  We will be applying our SPaG skills to a range of sentence types, as well as including independent research in our writing. Our end of year production will enable us to refine our drama skills as well as developing our speaking and listening skills further. 

Throughout the term, we will continue to develop the children's spelling, punctuation and grammar skills whilst also focusing on handwriting and presentation. 


In reading, our text of the term is ‘Wonder’ by R J Palacio.  The children will be identifying and defining unfamiliar vocabulary to support their understanding of the text. This will be further developed by answering a range of questions about the text. The children are already enjoying this text and are excited to watch the film too, later in the term! 


Our science topic this term is the circulatory system. We will be learning how the heart works and the vital role that it plays in pumping the blood around our body. To add to this, we will also be looking at our fitness levels and considering how we can ensure that we live a healthy life. This will include looking at our food choices, the amount of exercise we do and how to make sure we make healthy choices as we get older. 


Our topic this term is the Rainforests.  We will be learning about where they are located in the world; their different layers and the wildlife that inhabits them.  We will also be working hard on our ‘Leaving a Legacy’ topic through our end of year production.


PE continues to be on a Thursday this term. During their lessons, the children will continue to develop their skills in a variety of games including, dodgeball, bench ball and rounders. In addition to this, they have begun to develop their athletics skills including sprinting, javelin and the long jump. 

Swimming will continue this term on a Friday. The children have all made excellent progress during the year and this final term will give them the opportunity to refine the skills they have already developed. 


During the summer term, we will be learning more about networks and how they keep us all connected. The children will explore the World Wide Web in more detail and will research how to use it to keep in touch with others. An additional unit will explore blogging, and the children will have the chance to create their own blog and share it with others. 


Our French focus this term is clothing. We will be rehearsing our conversational skills, as well as having an opportunity to read, write and listen to a range of phrases.  We will also celebrate French day where we will be tasting French food and taking part in a quiz. 


RE this term we will begin by focusing on the Hindu religion. The children will learn about some of the famous stories from Hinduism and gain an understanding of karma and the impact that it has on the lives of those that follow it. To end the term, we will recap all the religions we have studied this year and make comparisons between them.


Look at what we have been doing...


We began our mini topic this term with ‘Little people, Big dreams’.  Here, we studied David Attenborough’s awesome life as well as creating some natural art, inspired by Attenborough’s fascination with nature.

We also studied the amazing continent of the Antarctic.  We were able to locate it on a globe, research and name animals and plants that inhabit that region of the earth, as well as locating positions in the Antarctic region using six figure grid references.


To kick-start our history topic, all of the children in year 6 had the opportunity to visit RAF Cosford. We had a great day and through workshops and tours, we developed a better understanding of life during WW2. The children discovered the role of the fighter pilot along with other aircraft and uncovered aspects of civilian life in 1940. Children had access to a range of sources and museum artefacts, including original RAF uniform, to develop their depth of knowledge and inspire curiosity. 

January 26th 2024

Today we had a fantastic experience with the Violence Reduction Partnership.  We learned about anti-social behaviour and how to deal with difficult situations.  We really enjoyed our VR experience!

February 2nd 2024

Today we walked to Oakham library.  We had a wonderful time, listening to the Librarian, looking at the wide range of books and even choosing a book each to take home.

Year 6 trip to Barmouth, 11th July 2024

We had a wonderful day together at the beach.  We spent time at the beach building sandcastles and playing in the sand; eating chips on the beach; paddling in the sea; playing in the arcade and eating ice cream.  We had the BEST day!