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Look at what we've been doing

Wednesday 19th March

What an amazing day we had!  30 Year 5 children visited the Houses of Parliament today for a tour and a workshop.  Our local Member of Parliament, Sarah Coombes, also came to talk to us about issues in our local area.  We travelled to the city by train and travelled around London on the Underground.  We walked to some of the major tourist attractions such as Buckingham Palace and Green Park.  We even took a boat trip on the Thames!  Several members of the public commented on how polite and well-behaved our Year 5 children were.  This is the second time in a week that they have been praised for being brilliant!  Well done Year 5!


Tuesday 18th March

Today we had the pleasure of welcoming Team GB’s Mountain Bike Champion, Danny Butler to school. Every class from Reception to Year 6, completed their sponsored fitness circuits in the hall with Danny and his colleague, Emma.  The children were really enthusiastic and very tired afterwards!  We then met in the hall for an assembly where Danny showed off his amazing skills and answered lots of our questions! He really was amazing!  Remember that children have until next Tuesday (25th March) to bring their sponsorship money into school.  This will be used to purchase new sports equipment for the children and help to improve their level of physical activity.





Friday 14th March

Today, Year 5 visited Oakham Library to meet Professor Black.  They learned a lot about Ancient Greece and enjoyed their time with him.  They behaved impeccably, so much so that the staff at the library emailed to tell us!  Well done Year 5!  This is what they said:

Just wanted to pass on a big well done to the children of Year 5. They have represented Burnt Tree brilliantly.

They have been a wonderful audience today, asking lots of good questions and have made a great impression on Professor Black.

Thank you to the staff too, for always being lovely to work with and getting all the kids up to the library.

Wednesday 5th March

Today, some of our Year 4 children went to London.  They travelled down to the city by train and visited the Houses of Parliament.  They went on the tube to other sites such as Big Ben, Downing Street, Buckingham Palace and Green Park too.  What a fabulous day!

Saturday 8th March

Before half term, Key Stage 2 took part in a project with Ricnic, The Bostin' Arts Company and Avanti Trains.  They designed wooden tiles linked to the past, the present and the future.  These were displayed in New Street Station for the day today.  They looked amazing!  Well done children!



Wednesday 26th February

Today, we had the pleasure of welcoming Pep the Poet to Burnt Tree.  He was so funny!  We all came together in the hall for an assembly with him in the morning before he worked with every class in school from Nursery to Year 6.  We joined in with poems he had written, as well as creating our own poetry.  It really was a fantastic day!


Wednesday 29th January

This afternoon, 26 children from Years 4, 5 and 6 visited Oakham Library for a dance workshop with the ME Youth Company.  They really enjoyed their afternoon and were very tired afterwards!  They learned contemporary dance moves and then sequenced them into a final performance.  Their efforts and determination were noted by both the instructors and the library staff. Well done children!


Wednesday 18th December

Our wonderful KS2 choir sang at our local Tesco (Castle Gate) today.  They sang so well and received a lot of lovely comments from members of the public.  We even had a surprise visit from Santa!  The children raised just under £140 for our school fund from kind donations given by shoppers.  Well done children!

Saturday 14th December

Members of our wonderful KS2 choir gave up part of their Saturday this weekend to sing at Blackheath Central Methodist Church.  They sang beautifully, as always.  Well done children!


Thursday 5th and Friday 6th December

At the end of the school day and after school, we held our ‘Museum’.  Historians from each class eloquently shared their historical knowledge from our learning in Autumn 1.  They also responded well to challenging questions from our parents!


Friday 22nd November

Year 6 pupils had an amazing opportunity today: they met our local Mayor!  They visited the council house as well as stopping off to view The Knife Angel too.  They behaved so well, as always and really enjoyed their morning.



Tuesday 19th November


Friday 15th November

We wore spotty or bright clothes today for Children in Need.  We took part in several activities over the school day including maths activities linked to raising money.  We will update this page with the amount we raised from your kind donations, soon.

Tuesday 12th November

Today, we wore odd socks in order to mark Anti-bullying week.  Years 1 to 6 had an assembly where we thought hard about the word 'respect'.  We chanted 'I choose, you choose, we choose respect' and we used this motto later on in the day when we completed our own individual pledges towards being respectful to ourselves and others.


Monday 11th November

We marked Remembrance day today with our annual whole school assembly.  Each year group made wreaths and we displayed them as a mark of respect to all fallen soldiers and those still serving.  Both of our choirs sang during our assembly and we listened to Mrs Bayliss and Mrs Aston play the Last Post on their instruments.  We also observed a two minute silence. 

We will remember them.

Thursday 24th October 


Today, our Year 5 and Year 6 pupils had the exciting opportunity to take part in a fully funded STEM workshop! Throughout the day, the pupils built and coded robots to complete a range of missions based on various themes. These challenges encouraged teamwork, problem-solving and creative thinking, while also helping to develop their coding and cyber skills. It was a fantastic experience that engaged and inspired all our Year 5 and Year 6 pupils!



We also had the pleasure of welcoming local firefighters into school to work with Year 4.  The children learned how to keep safe in a fire, as well as how to prevent fires from starting.








Wednesday 23rd October

Today, thirty children from across years 4, 5 and 6 visited Oakham Library to take part in a workshop with the Poet Laureate for Wales, Alex Wharton.  It was an inspiring session and Alex ensured that everyone took part!  The children bought a signed, class copy of his latest publication back to school to share with their class!

Monday 21st October

Today, a group of Y4 and Y5 children visited the 'Knife Angel' in Oldbury.  The Knife Angel's arrival in Sandwell marks an important moment in the ongoing efforts to promote peace and safety. The children engaged in several activities, whilst listening to the importance of how to stay safe. 





Monday 7th October - Wednesday 9th October

Wye Valley Residential

This week, children from upper Key Stage 2 visited the Wye Valley for a super residential!  They took part in a range of activities from minibeast hunts to hill climbing. Needless to say, they had a really wonderful time and even managed a good night's sleep, every night!



Thursday 3rd October



To celebrate National Poetry Day, Key Stages 1 and 2 joined a live, online event with the poet Laura Mucha.  We worked together, with schools from around the world, to create a poem entitled, 'What do you think counts?'  Along with thousands of other children, we voted for lines of poetry we liked best and Laura put them altogether for us! In the process, we attempted a Guinness World Record title for the largest poetry lesson (multiple venues).  You can listen to Laura performing our poem by clicking on this link! 

Laura Mucha: What do you think counts?


Year 6 trip to Barmouth

Year 6 had a fabulous beach trip to Barmouth, despite the rain!  We made the best of it: sandcastles, paddling, a chippy lunch and lots of laughter.  We really did have the best day!


Boys' football

A huge well done to our boys' football team.  They won their match today (Thursday 27th June) 3-2 and are now in the semi-finals of their league!


Year 6 trip to London

Year 6 had a truly fantastic day in London this week.  They visited the Natural History Museum and the London Eye, as well as plenty of other sights.  The children all walked their socks off!  They even had a surprise look at the King!

The King!

Year 2 published artwork

This week, Year 2 have had some of their fantastic artwork published on a teaching scheme website!  Their work will help to support the teaching and learning in classrooms nationwide!  Well done Year 2!



Year 2 girls' football tournament

Some of our Year 2 girls visited Sandwell Academy recently to take part in a football tournament.  They worked very hard and won the tournament! We are really proud of their achievement and the positive way they represented our school. We hope this will inspire more young girls to get involved in competitive sport! 


Our annual family picnic!

Our whole school community had such a wonderful time at our picnic!  The rain stayed away so that we could enjoy the bouncy castles, the magic show, the ice creams and glitter tattoos!  Thank you everyone for such a fabulous afternoon.






Year 5 Houses of Parliament trip

Year 5 had a fabulous day in London earlier this week!!  They visited the Houses of Parliament, Horse Guards Parade and had a boat ride along the Thames, as well as seeing many other sights!











Well done to one of our football teams who recently played in a tournament at Moat Farm School.  They played exceptionally well and came second place.  We are very proud of them!


KS1 Choir Competition - Little Voices, Big Hearts

please vote for us here...


Easter Egg competition (22nd March)

Our annual decorated Easter egg competition has been amazing again this year.  We had entries from across school including Humpty Dumpty, the universe, a football match and even a Ferris wheel!  Well done to our class winners and everyone who took part!


Science Fair (12th and 13th March)

Our annual science fair has taken place this week.  Classes had so much fun and were amazed by the scientific experiments that were shared.  Our Science Ambassadors excelled themselves in their explanation of the science within the experiments and were well supported by our teaching students who organised and led the activities.  We were also supported by parents who came to share their science-linked careers.  Well done Burnt Tree!

Biggest Ever Football Session (8.3.24)

A group of girls from across Key Stage 2 took part in the Biggest Ever Football Session, alongside 465,000 other girls across the country.  It was organised by the Football Association and Barclays as part of the 'Let Girls Play' campaign.  The date coincided with International Women's Day and was a great way to celebrate!

World Book Day (7.3.24)

Today we celebrated World Book Day across school.  We started the day with an assembly with our visiting author, Angela Marie James.  She read lots of her wonderful poetry to us and we learned about her career.  Each key stage had a workshop with her too during the day: 'Guess the animal', 'Poetry can be about anything' and 'Abandoned House' poetry.  These were really interactive and lots of fun.  Angela also met with our school council and librarians where they interviewed her and found out a lot about her career and life.  She was really inspirational! 

In our classes we took part in a live, online event with a range of authors and illustrators.  We also did other reading linked activities which included writing book reviews, sharing our favourite stories, creating dream jars and a scavenger hunt which taught us how to use our school library properly.  We held a whole school competition where we had to use a paper plate to create a character linked with a book - we had over 200 entries!  Angela had a tough time choosing one winner per class!  Staff had a great day too - even our teaching students dressed up!

SHAPE Your Talent competition (5.3.24)

Our Key Stage 1 choir took part in the Oldbury round of Just Youth Sandwell's annual talent completion, and won their heat!  They sang as beautifully as always and cannot wait for the voting to begin after the other heats have finished. 


Y3/Y4 football competition (28.2.24)

Today, children from Y3 and Y4 took part in a football competition, held at the West Bromwich Dome.  The children played in a 6-a-side tournament against other schools. They played fantastically well and represented our school with a polite and mature attitude. Well done children!


Rebecca Adlington (7.2.24)

Today we had the pleasure of welcoming Rebecca Adlington to Burnt Tree!  She talked to us about her career, her Olympic experiences and most importantly, water safety.  She even bought her medals for us to see!



West Midlands Police Museum (30.1.24)

Our Family Support Worker, Miss Gamwell, took a group of Year 5 children into Birmingham to visit the Police Museum.  They had a really fantastic day exploring how forensics are used in crime scenes, trying on police uniforms and even being 'locked' in the cells!




The Violence Reduction Partnership (Y6)

Our Virtual Reality experience was superb!  We learned about anti-social behaviour and how to deal with certain situations.

Christmas 2023

Our Christmas celebrations have been amazing!!!  We even had a visit from Father Christmas himself!




Museum Timetable week beginning 11.12.23

Day Time for parents to view museum. Classes will attend with their parents.

Monday 11th December 2023

Year 1 Sparrows 9.00

Year 1 Penguins 9.00

Year 3 Eagles 2.45

Year 3 Wrens 2.45

Tuesday 12th December 2023

Year 5 Woodpeckers 2.45

Year 5 Swans 2.45

Year 4 Starlings 9.00

Year 4 Falcons 9.00

Wednesday 13th December 2023

Morning Nursery Robins 9.00

Year 6 Kingfishers 2.45

Year 6 Ravens 2.45

Thursday 14th December 2023

Reception Doves 9.00

Reception Magpies 9.00

Afternoon Nursery Robins 2.45

Friday 15th December 2023

Year 2 Flamingos 9.00

Year 2 Cuckoos 9.00










Introducing Burnt Tree Primary School football team.👕

Through the #ProtectThePlanet project, WBA partnered with PlayerLayer to provide a custom kit, designed by a pupil & made from recycled materials.♻️

It's safe to say, they were delighted. 😍

An enormous thank you to WBA from all the staff and pupils!


Remembrance 2023

'We remembered them' by creating class wreaths and crosses.  We all gathered for an assembly and held two minutes' silence.  Lest we forget.