Purpose of Study
Digital technology is driving extraordinary global changes. There's not an industry out there that isn't using data and computer technology on a daily basis, so it's important that pupils are educated to make use of their opportunities. It is therefore crucial that we provide a high-quality computing education for pupils, as it contributes significantly to developing their creativity, problem-solving and understanding of technical skills, such as programming and learn to use a range of applications, which they will use in everyday life.
School Vision
At Burnt Tree, we recognise the integral part that technology plays in the lives of our pupil’s and aim to equip them to become active and responsible participants in the ever-changing digital world.
We teach our pupils to:
- Use technology purposefully to create, organise and manipulate digital content.
- Learn how to use technology safely and respectfully and know where to go for support when they have concerns about content.
- Safely use technology to code, connect and communicate in the digital world.
- Recognise common uses of information technology beyond school
- Use a range of unplugged activities in their play and free flow in EYFS.
To help us achieve this, we:
- Use and follow the Purple Mash scheme of work from Year 1-6, ensuring consistency and progression throughout the school.
- Explore and employ a wide variety of activities and teaching approaches in our computing lessons that promotes resilience, independence critical thinking and problem-solving.
- Model and educate our pupils' on how to use technology safely.
- Encourage collaboration which we believe is also a valuable way for individual pupil to learn from their peers.