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Reception Magpies

Welcome to Magpies 

Class Teacher - Mrs Williams

LSP - Mrs Bell and Miss Di-Vito


Our learning

Communication and Language (C&L)

In Reception, children will be exposed to a range of new vocabulary that links to our topics, taught sessions and throughout their independent play and exploration. Children will be challenged to use and apply new vocabulary throughout the day and when talking about what they have been learning. Children will develop their thinking and listening skills through stories, class discussions and group activities. They will use well-formed sentences when communicating their ideas and thoughts and will begin to ask questions.  Children will be exposed to a range of different stories, poems, rhymes, songs and non-fiction books.

Personal, Social, Emotional Development (PSED)

Throughout the year, children will build relationships with their peers and adults. They will learn how to take turns and share with others, as well as showing an understanding of other people's wants and needs. Children will learn how to express their feelings and gain an understanding of the feelings of others. Through this, they will learn about the perspectives of others and how to form positive relationships and friendships. Children will learn how to manage their own needs, including getting changed independently, putting their coats on and washing their hands.

Physical Development (PD)

Children will develop both their fine and gross motor skills throughout their time in Reception. Children will be shown how to hold a pencil correctly using a tripod grip and how to form letters and numbers correctly. They will learn how to use tools competently, including using scissors to cut.

Throughout their continuous provision and taught PE sessions, children will learn the skills to develop body strength, co-ordination, balance and agility. They will develop ball skills including throwing, catching, kicking ,passing, batting and aiming. 

They will learn about how to live a healthy lifestyle through their diet and daily exercise.  


At Burnt Tree, we follow Read, Write, Inc. Children are assessed every half-term and put into groups that match their phonic knowledge. During phonics, children are taught sounds, how to blend and segment words, and will begin to read story books. Children will then take a phonics book to read at home that matches their phonics ability.

In addition to their phonics lessons, children will complete writing linked to the termly topic and will be encouraged to read and write throughout the school day and during their continuous provision. Each class has a book corner where children are able to read for pleasure throughout the day. Children also have access to our Early Years library, where they can take a book of choice home to share with their parents/guardians.


At Burnt Tree, we follow the maths scheme White Rose Maths. In Reception, we focus on developing a secure understanding of numbers to 10, as well as exploring capacity, time, shapes, measurement, pattern and positional language. We enhance our continuous provision to enable children to apply their learning to a range of different contexts during their play. 

Understanding the World (UW)

Each half-term, we focus on the current season and the world around us. We learn about the seasonal changes and how the natural world has changed, as well as links to the people who help us, mini-beasts, animals, planting and growing, celebrations and transport and travel. Through this it allows us to make links between our current and prior learning and enables us to explore the similarities and differences of the seasons and the world around us. Throughout the year, we learn about lots of different celebrations, cultures and religions and celebrate the diversity of our school. 

Expressive Arts and Design (EAD)

Children will develop their artistic and cultural awareness through their creativity and imagination. They will explore and play with a range of media and materials, including collage, junk modelling, painting, drawing and using natural objects. 

Children will listen to and learn songs from different cultures, as well as nursery rhymes and songs that relate to our topics. 

Through taught music sessions, children will learn how to match pitch, follow a melody, keep a steady beat, tap rhythms and respond to changes in sound. 

Children will take part in The Nativity performance as well as learning Spring/Easter songs for their Easter bonnet parade. In addition, children will learn songs at the end of the year to perform at their graduation. 


Look what we have been doing...


Autumn 1
This half-term our topic is 'all about me', where we will be learning about ourselves and our families. Throughout the half-term, we will focus on different aspects of ourselves, such as, my face/body, my family, my home, my feelings, my friends.

In our maths lessons, the children will build on previous experiences of number from their home and nursery environments, and further develop their subitising and counting skills. They will explore the composition of numbers within 5 and will begin to compare sets of objects and use the language of comparison.

During our phonics sessions, the children will be focusing on learning to read the first set of single letter sounds, oral blending and letter formation. This will be reinforced throughout the school day through small group work, continuous provision and fine motor activities. 

We will also be celebrating any special days throughout the half-term, such as celebrations and memorable days/events.


First day

We had our first day in Reception Magpies!


Autumn walk 

We have been learning all about the changes we see in autumn. We went on a walk around our EYFS to look for signs.

Potato harvesting 

During this week we have been learning all about harvest. We went out into our EYFS garden to harvest our own potatoes.

Food tasting

We enjoyed trying different foods. We talked about their flavours and textures.


Halloween dress up

We enjoyed dressing up for Halloween.

Halloween/autumn craft morning

We had a wonderful time at our autumn/halloween craft morning. We decorated pumpkins, made chocolate apples and made lots of different crafts.


Autumn 2

This half term we are learning all about autumn. We will be learning about the changes in weather, autumn animals and which celebrations we celebrate in autumn. We have lots of Christmas crafts coming up and are looking forward to performing our Nativity!


Toasting marshmallows

We had great fun toasting marshmallows on the fire for Bonfire Night

Snow day

We were so excited when we woke up to snow! We enjoyed making snowmen and throwing snowballs at our teachers.

Odd socks day

We wore odd socks to support world mental health day.




Baking gingerbread men

We read the story 'The Gingerbread Man'. We followed a recipe to bake our own.

The Nativity story

We listened to the Nativity story and drank hot chocolate.


Post office

We walked to the post office to post our letters to Father Christmas. We paid for a stamp and put it in the letterbox.

Making mince pies

We made our own mince pies for Christmas. We cut out the pastry and filled them with mincemeat. They were delicious! 

The Nativity

We performed a fantastic Nativity for all of our grown-ups.












Spring 1

This half term we are learning all about winter. We will be learning about the changes in weather, winter animals (UK wildlife and Arctic/Antarctic animals) and which celebrations we celebrate in winter (Chinese New Year, Valentine's Day and Shrove Tuesday).

In our maths lessons, we will be focussing on numbers to 10. We will be learning about the composition of the numbers and exploring 1 more and 1 less. They will further develop their subitising and counting skills. They will continue to compare sets of objects and use the language of comparison.

During our phonics sessions, the children will be focusing on reading and writing CVC words and words containing the new sounds/special friends they have been taught. They will begin to read and write simple sentences.


We enjoyed going on a winter walk around the outdoor area. We talked about the changes we have seen since autumn.

We really enjoyed learning about Chinese New Year. We tried noodles, prawn crackers and fortune cookies.

We had a lovely time at our winter and Valentine's craft morning.



Spring 2

This half-term we are learning about spring. We will be learning about minibeasts, Pancake Day, Holi festival, spring, Red Nose Day, the farm and Easter. 

World Book Day

Pancake Day

Holi Festival

Spring walk

Red Nose Day







Easter bonnet parade